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drpeel has 1808 finds on 1807 unique geocaches,

plus 10 lab caches, a total of 1818 finds

Data from 2018-02-25

Project-GC stats

Cumulative finds by month
Cumulative finds by month
Finds by month per year


Total finds 9
Days caching 5
Average finds per caching day 1.8
Overall finds per day 0.2
Overall finds per month 4.5
Month: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Days caching: 1 4












Total finds 76
Days caching 43
Average finds per caching day 1.8
Overall finds per day 0.2
Overall finds per month 6.3
Month: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Days caching: 1 12 1 4 1 7 5 3 2 2 2 3
Some numbers
Overall total finds: 1808 finds in 570 caching days over 3971 total days (14.4%)
Overall averages: 3.17 finds per caching day, 0.46/day, 3.18/week, 13.80/month
Last 365 days: 71 finds in 36 caching days over 365 total days (9.9%)
Last 365 days averages: 1.97 finds per caching day, 0.19/day, 1.37/week, 5.92/month
Most consecutive days with finds: 32, from 2011-12-31 to 2012-01-31
Most consecutive days without a find: 49, from 2013-01-07 to 2013-02-24
Current consecutive days with a find: 1, from 2018-02-16 to 2018-02-16
Most finds in a day: 203 on 2011-12-10; 35 on 2011-04-08; 33 on 2011-04-07
Best weekend caching: 203 finds, on Saturday 2011-12-10 & Sunday 2011-12-11
Best week caching: 203 finds, from Monday 2011-12-05 to Sunday 2011-12-11
Most finds in a calendar month: 207, in December 2011
Most cache types in a day: 9 ( Webcam CacheLetterbox HybridMulti-cacheUnknown CacheVirtual CacheWherigo CacheTraditional CacheEarthcacheEvent Cache ) on 2016-03-12
Most countries in a day: 1 ( Sweden ) on 2007-04-05
Most states in a day: 4 (Västmanland, Dalarna, Södermanland, Uppsala) on 2011-04-07
Most counties in a day: 8 (Sala, Ludvika, Skinnskatteberg, Avesta, Strängnäs, Fagersta, Enköping, Smedjebacken) on 2011-04-07
Fastest 100 finds: 1 day on 2011-12-10
Last 100 finds: 457 days
Fastest 1000 finds: 1200 days from 2010-04-30 to 2013-08-11
Last 1000 finds: 2306 days
Total cache-to-cache distance: 30,099 km, 0.75x earth circumnavigation, 0.078x distance to the moon
Maximum distance in a day: 987 km, 203 caches, on 2011-12-10
Nearest cache found: Always Available Södertälje, GC69137 Sweden
Furthest cache found: 1,519.65 km, Zouave du pont de l’Alma, GC2MJDY France
Most Northerly cache found: N 65° 35.151, Vintercykelstaden Luleå GC5K8P1 Sweden
Most Southerly cache found: N 48° 51.772, Zouave du pont de l’Alma GC2MJDY France
Most Easterly cache found: E 022° 09.571, Vintercykelstaden Luleå GC5K8P1 Sweden
Most Westerly cache found: E 002° 18.051, Liberty’s Flame GC63DB France
Highest elevated cache found: 1393 m, 1420 m GC4C45 Sweden
Lowest elevated cache found: 0 m, Tullgarn GCJYN4 Sweden
Cache centroid: N 59° 08.693 E 017° 03.604 (Centroid is 33 km from home)
Youngest cache found: 2018-02-14, Alla Hjärtans Lunch GC7GV2P Sweden
Oldest cache found: 2000-08-11, Match Stash GC4D Sweden, found on 2010-05-03
Caches found which are now archived: 579, 32.02% (excluding events)
Most FTFs in a day: 9 on 2012-12-12; 2 on 2010-08-28; 2 on 2011-05-14
Most FTFs in a calendar month: 9, in December 2012
Most consecutive months with an FTF: 5, from August 2010 to December 2010
Log Length, words: Total words: 116,944, Average: 64, (Total characters: 656,312)
Longest: GC2DZR3 351, Shortest: GC5YXYA 1
Log similarity: 43% (Lower score equals more variance)
Finds by type
Type Amount Percent
Traditional 1502 83.08%
Unknown 184 10.18%
Multi 73 4.04%
Event 25 1.38%
Earthcache 10 0.55%
Virtual 7 0.39%
Letterbox 2 0.11%
Wherigo 2 0.11%
Webcam 1 0.06%
CITO 1 0.06%
Mega-Event 1 0.06%
Finds by size
Type Amount Percent
Micro 1019 56.36%
Small 438 24.23%
Regular 167 9.24%
Other 134 7.41%
Not chosen 33 1.83%
Large 10 0.55%
Virtual 7 0.39%
Finds by difficulty rating
Difficulty Amount Percent
1.0 400 22.12%
1.5 770 42.59%
2.0 397 21.96%
2.5 115 6.36%
3.0 81 4.48%
3.5 16 0.88%
4.0 18 1.00%
4.5 4 0.22%
5.0 7 0.39%

Average difficulty: 1.69

Finds by terrain rating
Terrain Amount Percent
1.0 334 18.47%
1.5 741 40.98%
2.0 475 26.27%
2.5 144 7.96%
3.0 65 3.60%
3.5 28 1.55%
4.0 7 0.39%
4.5 7 0.39%
5.0 7 0.39%

Average terrain: 1.74

Average difficulty per year
Year Amount Avg D
2007 35 1.44286
2008 102 1.61765
2009 125 1.50800
2010 277 1.71841
2011 490 1.68673
2012 164 1.67378
2013 159 1.66038
2014 140 1.92500
2015 87 1.83333
2016 144 1.70833
2017 76 1.61842
2018 9 1.94444
Average terrain per year
Year Amount Avg T
2007 35 1.80000
2008 102 1.65196
2009 125 1.48400
2010 277 1.70036
2011 490 1.80102
2012 164 1.80488
2013 159 1.68239
2014 140 1.83929
2015 87 1.70690
2016 144 1.72917
2017 76 1.76316
2018 9 2.22222
Finds by month
Month Amount Percent
January 113 6.25%
February 107 5.92%
March 135 7.47%
April 220 12.17%
May 112 6.19%
June 143 7.91%
July 91 5.03%
August 158 8.74%
September 150 8.30%
October 149 8.24%
November 111 6.14%
December 319 17.64%
Finds by weekday
Weekday Amount Percent
Monday 199 11.01%
Tuesday 184 10.18%
Wednesday 229 12.67%
Thursday 252 13.94%
Friday 300 16.59%
Saturday 474 26.22%
Sunday 170 9.40%

644 Weekend finds (35.6%), 1164 Weekday finds (64.4%)

Finds by year cache placed
Finds by year cache placed
Finds to 26th Feb for each year
Finds to 26th Feb for each year
Difficulty / Terrain chart
Terrain Type: All
Difficulty 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
1.0 165 150 58 16 4 3 1 2 1 400
1.5 78 393 226 48 16 6 1 1 1 770
2.0 66 125 121 51 26 4 2 1 1 397
2.5 14 38 35 16 6 3 1 2   115
3.0 7 26 26 9 8 5       81
3.5 2 3 3 2 2 4       16
4.0 2 4 4   3 1 2   2 18
4.5   1 2     1       4
5.0   1   2   1   1 2 7
334 741 475 144 65 28 7 7 7 1808

62 Diff/Terr combinations found, out of 81

208 (11.5%) finds were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater

Find geocaches for your missing D/T combinations in the DT Matrix tool

Way to 81
# Date Interval GCCode Cache name Type D/T
1 2007-04-05 GC11WYB Ägget Traditional Cache 1.0/1.5
2 2007-05-10 35 days GC12P04 Galgbacken i Södertälje Multi-cache 1.0/2.0
3 2007-05-28 18 days GC1362F Fornborgarna i Vaskhusviken Traditional Cache 1.5/2.5
4 2007-06-07 10 days GCK6K0 Just for kids! Traditional Cache 2.0/2.0
5 2007-06-07 0 days GCG3WP Taxinge Traditional Cache 2.0/1.5
6 2007-06-07 0 days GC9FDF Bommersvik Traditional Cache 1.5/1.5
7 2007-06-12 5 days GC131K1 Bastmora fornborg Traditional Cache 1.0/4.0
8 2007-07-03 21 days GCK4YA Nyköpingsån Traditional Cache 1.0/1.0
9 2007-10-11 100 days GC15H0X ”Världens ände” Traditional Cache 1.5/1.0
10 2007-10-22 11 days GC1F19 King and Queen visit. Traditional Cache 1.5/3.0
11 2007-10-25 3 days GC11QX4 Albys gamla bro Traditional Cache 2.0/2.5
12 2007-10-25 0 days GC5615 HÅGELBY,”Lasse’s Cottage” Traditional Cache 1.5/2.0
13 2007-11-28 34 days GC16VTZ Utsikt E4:an Slagsta Traditional Cache 2.0/3.0
14 2007-12-12 14 days GCK9R1 tC#6 Skårby Traditional Cache 2.5/2.0
15 2008-02-20 70 days GC19EDD Bergaholm Multi-cache 2.5/2.5
16 2008-02-29 9 days GC121TY Radio i Handen Traditional Cache 2.5/3.5
17 2008-04-24 55 days GC1BGFV Lite Stjärntecken / Starsign´s Unknown Cache 3.0/3.0
18 2008-05-13 19 days GC4C45 1420 m Virtual Cache 4.0/4.0
19 2008-06-27 45 days GC1CGA3 Hillary mini Step Traditional Cache 1.0/2.5
20 2008-07-08 11 days GC1DRYV Liten bit av Södertälje Unknown Cache 2.5/1.5
21 2008-08-25 48 days GC1DTW9 Gamla Slussen Traditional Cache 4.0/1.5
22 2008-09-05 11 days GC1EVNN DK in SE Traditional Cache 3.0/2.0
23 2008-10-21 46 days GC1GKB5 The Criss-Cross Cache Unknown Cache 4.0/2.0
24 2009-01-05 76 days GC1DRX2 Skärholmens Centrum Traditional Cache 2.0/1.0
25 2009-03-16 70 days GC1NPAX Lådbilslandet Unknown Cache 3.0/1.0
26 2009-05-09 54 days GC1QZ7Y Inget Unknown Cache 3.0/1.5
27 2009-06-03 25 days GC1T3J0 Kusens backe Unknown Cache 3.0/2.5
28 2009-09-17 106 days GC1BZ8A Kråkberget – The Crow Mountain, # Nyköping 11 Traditional Cache 1.0/3.5
29 2010-04-13 208 days GCXZMJ Mälargubben Traditional Cache 2.0/5.0
30 2010-04-21 8 days GCWHBT tC#17 Borgen 2 Traditional Cache 1.0/3.0
31 2010-06-06 46 days GC28830 Jakobsberg Multi-cache 2.5/1.0
32 2010-07-16 40 days GC2AQ27 Zetterbloms kanal Traditional Cache 2.5/3.0
33 2010-07-17 1 day GC2BPP4 Storhusfallet Traditional Cache 4.0/1.0
34 2010-07-26 9 days GC2BJB8 Södertäljes Ayers Rock Traditional Cache 1.5/3.5
35 2010-08-16 21 days GC2BW71 Ö i insjö Traditional Cache 1.0/5.0
36 2010-08-31 15 days GC28QT9 Mosaik Unknown Cache 3.5/2.0
37 2010-10-17 47 days GC200PJ Hin Håles Trädgård Traditional Cache 3.0/3.5
38 2010-10-17 0 days GC25GGV Navigare necesse est Unknown Cache 4.0/3.0
39 2010-10-17 0 days GC24GWF Knappelskärsgrottan Earthcache 1.5/4.5
40 2010-10-17 0 days GC2FGQZ Ravinen Brinkbäckens Naturreservat Earthcache 2.0/3.5
41 2011-02-02 108 days GC2N0WK Ö i insjö nr2 Multi-cache 1.5/5.0
42 2011-04-07 64 days GC2QGBD Källfallsgruvan Multi-cache 4.0/5.0
43 2011-04-07 0 days GC2DZR3 Tribute to Xrim Multi-cache 4.0/3.5
44 2011-04-07 0 days GC22EEQ MMX Unknown Cache 3.5/1.0
45 2011-04-08 1 day GC165MD Grangesberg:Loc-o-motion Traditional Cache 1.0/4.5
46 2011-05-14 36 days GC2TEKB Ekensberg #11 Unknown Cache 3.5/2.5
47 2011-05-14 0 days GC2TEQK Ekensberg #13 Unknown Cache 3.5/3.0
48 2011-05-14 0 days GC2J5X7 Ekensberg #6 Unknown Cache 3.5/3.5
49 2011-06-06 23 days GC2XHAX TT#12 Twin Peaks Multi-cache 1.5/4.0
50 2011-06-06 0 days GC2PBZH TT#8 Mosquito creek Multi-cache 2.0/4.5
51 2011-12-10 187 days GC382H6 A10 Final Korp Unknown Cache 3.5/1.5
52 2011-12-10 0 days GC382BM A4 KorkEken Traditional Cache 2.0/4.0
53 2012-09-01 266 days GC2313H Bomber & Granater Unknown Cache 5.0/3.5
54 2012-09-01 0 days GC23137 Fredriksberg klockan 18.30 Unknown Cache 5.0/5.0
55 2012-09-01 0 days GC3KA78 Bomber & Granater 2 Unknown Cache 5.0/4.5
56 2014-09-05 734 days GC49GYC Spor 21 – QR röra Unknown Cache 4.5/2.0
57 2014-09-14 9 days GC2P3XG Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Unknown Cache 2.5/4.0
58 2014-09-14 0 days GC38JBW En sten, en tall en utsikt Multi-cache 2.5/4.5
59 2014-11-02 49 days GC5ETZR Numbers? Unknown Cache 5.0/2.5
60 2014-12-25 53 days GC5J02R Södertälje Orienteering Unknown Cache 4.5/3.5
61 2015-08-17 235 days GC2D01G Challenge #27 – Swedish Bingo challenge Unknown Cache 4.5/1.5
62 2015-09-18 32 days GC60725 Hugget i sten Unknown Cache 5.0/1.5
Caches with most favorite points
GCCode Cache name Type Location FP
GC1DBG5 OTTT #2 – Changing of the Guard Traditional Cache Sweden Stockholm 1073 (16%)
GC4D Match Stash Traditional Cache Sweden Stockholm 718 (33%)
GC12WJT Urban Birdhouse Traditional Cache Sweden Stockholm 601 (9%)
GC2GMWZ A. Strindberg Traditional Cache Sweden Stockholm 459 (21%)
GC63DB Liberty’s Flame Virtual Cache France Île-de-France 449 (10%)
GC2313H Bomber & Granater Unknown Cache Sweden Dalarna 442 (79%)
GC3KA78 Bomber & Granater 2 Unknown Cache Sweden Dalarna 437 (87%)
GC23137 Fredriksberg klockan 18.30 Unknown Cache Sweden Dalarna 415 (85%)
GC602 Americana Cache Traditional Cache Sweden Västra Götaland 279 (13%)
GC1E50 Artwork on campus valla in Linkoping. Virtual Cache Sweden Östergötland 230 (22%)

A total of 17,926 favorite points found (average: 9.92)

Oldest caches found
Age Hidden Found GCCode Cache name
6407 days 2000-08-11 2010-05-03 GC4D Sweden Traditional Cache Match Stash
6172 days 2001-04-03 2011-07-01 GC602 Sweden Traditional Cache Americana Cache
6138 days 2001-05-07 2007-12-12 GC8D4 Sweden Traditional Cache JK #1 ”Countryside roads and a rock”
5999 days 2001-09-23 2016-03-12 GC1E50 Sweden Virtual Cache Artwork on campus valla in Linkoping.
5997 days 2001-09-25 2007-12-04 GC1ED8 Sweden Traditional Cache Alby cachen
5995 days 2001-09-27 2007-10-22 GC1F19 Sweden Traditional Cache King and Queen visit.
5950 days 2001-11-11 2010-12-04 GC2C2B Sweden Traditional Cache Humble Bee – Stockholm starting cache
5938 days 2001-11-23 2008-02-01 GC2980 Sweden Traditional Cache DF #1 ”The view”
5890 days 2002-01-10 2010-01-16 GC3186 Sweden Traditional Cache Sött
5844 days 2002-02-25 2010-05-03 GC3D83 Sweden Traditional Cache Sweden’s First, Recreated!
Highest and lowest elevations
Code Cache name Location Elevation
GC4C45 1420 m Virtual Cache Sweden Jämtland 1393 m
GC2CB50 Orsa-Grönklitt=Toppen Traditional Cache Sweden Dalarna 525 m
GC18V57 Predikstolen Traditional Cache Sweden Dalarna 380 m
GC2Z46A Stonehenge Traditional Cache Sweden Dalarna 380 m
GC21Z81 Mer än riksväg 50 IFK Grängesberg skidor Traditional Cache Sweden Dalarna 363 m
GC28A19 Hemma hos Sandström Unknown Cache Sweden Dalarna 339 m
GC2FA0T Gamla Brandstationen Grängesberg Traditional Cache Sweden Dalarna 330 m
GC1VNBV Cassels Traditional Cache Sweden Dalarna 318 m
GC155M1 Spiksmedjan Säfsen Traditional Cache Sweden Dalarna 306 m
GC2PT05 Finngruvorna i Kopparberg Earthcache Sweden Örebro 298 m
GC4PCR6 Brandalsund Traditional Cache Sweden Stockholm 0 m
GC5YR00 Under the Boardwalk Unknown Cache Sweden Stockholm 0 m
GC4D47B Djuröbron Unknown Cache Sweden Stockholm 0 m
GC4F9VJ Amphivena Unknown Cache Sweden Stockholm 0 m
GC3AEEJ Pyssel i Pershagen Unknown Cache Sweden Stockholm 0 m
GC3VJ0A Färjan Traditional Cache Sweden Stockholm 0 m
GC25GGV Navigare necesse est Unknown Cache Sweden Stockholm 0 m
GC27P7P Nyköpings hamn Multi-cache Sweden Södermanland 0 m
GC18528 Smörbyttan Traditional Cache Sweden Södermanland 0 m
GCJYN4 Tullgarn Traditional Cache Sweden Stockholm 0 m

Average elevation of all finds: 53 m

Travelled elevation: 32,126 m

Elevation chart





















Elevation < 0 < 25 < 50 < 75 < 100 < 125 < 150 < 200 < 250 < 300 < 400 < 500 < 600 < 750 < 1000 < 1250 < 1500 < 1750 < 2000 < 2500 ≥ 2500
Finds by found date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan 3 2 3 1 4 10 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 7 4 15 6 1 1 1 3 3 1 4 1 2 22 1 1 2 3 113
Feb 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 5 1 3 3 1 1 3 11 1 1 1 7 1 27 1 19 X X 107
Mar 6 4 1 3 1 1 1 4   1   43 2   1 4   5         23 2 2 5 19 3 1   3 135
Apr 32   8 3 3 6 33 35 8 7 2 6 3 1     7 1 1 4 10 10 1 18 8     7 2 4 X 220
May 8 12 11     2 7 1 13 2 4 1 4 14   2 2         9   2   6   1 8 1 2 112
Jun 1 7 2 1 1 52 5 3 3 3 1 3 15 2 9 1 1     2 3   2 4 5 4 5 2 2 4 X 143
Jul 12 3 2       1 1 3 1 4 8 5 2 2 4 4 1 3 6 9 7 4   1 2 1 2   2 1 91
Aug 3 4 1 14 1 1 1 1 3 6 10 3 7 1 5 2 10 3 6 1 10 3 7 2 9 8 3 15 7 4 7 158
Sep 20 6 1 1 7 4 3 5 8 2 3 1 3 6 3 3 21 2 7 1 3 2 4 7 8 2 2 3 7 5 X 150
Oct 10 7 1 1 1 7 1 1 13 12 3 1 1 1 1 2 22 7 1 1 1 2 1 7 2 6 1 11 6 6 12 149
Nov 4 10 5 6 1 1 8 1 4 1 5 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 7 3 4 1 4 1 3 1 16 1 7 X 111
Dec 3 1 3 4 9 1 4 1 7 203 5 19 5 1 1 1 2 1 8 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 22 3 3 2 319
106 57 39 35 29 87 67 56 64 242 41 95 49 41 28 38 80 23 32 28 54 42 46 52 46 40 82 84 57 38 30

334 found dates, out of 366 (91.3%)

37 FTF found dates, out of 366 (10.1%)

Black text indicates at least one FTF on that day

Generate a calendar overview with filters using the Needed found dates tool

Finds by hidden date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan 3 5 4 2 6 7   3   6 1 1 3 1 1   1 2   2 2 2   1   2 3 2 2 5 2 69
Feb     3 1 25   3   1 4 1 1 2 9 2   2   3   3 1 1 7 4 2 27 2 2 X X 106
Mar 2 7 1 7 3 2 2 1 1     1 9 1 7 7     3 6 3   10 5 1 5 22 4 3 5 7 125
Apr 16 5 4 3 10 5 1 5 5 5 3 4   1 7 5 6 5 3 1 18 15 13 2 9 3 7 3 4 9 X 177
May 9 4 7 2 13 11 4 8 4 28 6 4 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 12 7 6 2 10 3 4   4 5 12 9 194
Jun 11 22 12 11 5 21 1 1 3 1 6 5 2     5 2 7 1 2 2 3 1 4 3   3 10 2 3 X 149
Jul 4 5 3 3 2 2 4 6 6 4 2 4 6 5 7 8 4 3 2 4 3 4 13 2 2 5 3 2 5   2 125
Aug 4 3 5 6 3 4 7 4 9   4 4 23 7 4 25 3 12 5 4 6 4 4 5 13 6 2 10 7 14 22 229
Sep 3 12 6 7 8 3 20 8 5 9 2 5 6 1 8 2 10 2 7 1 3 4 4 1 6 12 8 2 11 10 X 186
Oct 3 2 1 2 7 6 3 2 13 1 5 14 8 3 5 6 2 3 1 5 6   9 17 3 2 9 4 2 15 6 165
Nov 5 2   2 6 25 4 3 11 11 17 6 6 4 2 3 4 2 2 13 2 2 4   3 3   6 3 4 X 155
Dec 1 6 2 4 8 3 6 16 7 5 12 5 5 1 1   2 4 2 1   2 3 2 1 3 5 8 3 1 8 127
61 73 48 50 96 89 55 57 65 74 59 54 74 36 46 63 38 43 33 51 55 43 64 56 48 47 89 57 49 78 56

335 found dates, out of 366 (91.5%)

Find geocaches for your missing hidden dates in the Hidden date tool

Finds by hidden month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2000 X X X X       1         1
2001       1 1       3   2   7
2002 1 1 1 1 8 3   1 4 4     24
2003   1 1 4 4 2     1 3 1   17
2004     5 2 1 1 5 5   1     20
2005 1   1   1 2 2 2 2   5   16
2006   1   4 6 2   3   3 1 6 26
2007 2   5 5 10 1 3 8 9 6 4 8 61
2008 7 4 7 15 44 11 15 6 5 4 6 6 130
2009 6 6 23 14 10 7 11 16 26 12 13 29 173
2010 6 3 9 29 32 30 34 37 29 12 23 16 260
2011 9 50 40 35 22 25 22 95 58 4 61 13 434
2012 4 8 12 7 11 13 10 8 19 13 8 16 129
2013 10 9 7 33 30 19 10 10 21 72 4 2 227
2014 1 5 5 2 4 8 5 7 5 3 6 16 67
2015 3 1 2 2 4 4 7 6 2 11 3 10 55
2016 19 14 7 11 6 18   23 1 13 3 5 120
2017   2   12   3 1 1 1 4 15   39
2018   1                     1
69 106 125 177 194 149 125 229 186 165 155 127

172 hidden months, out of 214 (80%)

Find geocaches for your missing hidden months in the Hidden month tool

Finds by owner
Owner Amount Percent
1 – wellner 170 9.40%
2 – Patojen 76 4.20%
3 – Höögarna 58 3.21%
4 – LadyBC 48 2.65%
5 – lowings 41 2.27%
6 – Fillifjonkan 38 2.10%
7 – PixieM 38 2.10%
8 – leor888 37 2.05%
9 – B.O.M 34 1.88%
10 – Team Telge 34 1.88%
Owner Amount Percent
11 – 10cent 34 1.88%
12 – Pettssons 33 1.83%
13 – TelgeTokarna 33 1.83%
14 – Tranorna 29 1.60%
15 – Team Mymlan 28 1.55%
16 – Surin 28 1.55%
17 – Beppe47 20 1.11%
18 – Krissedan&wellner 20 1.11%
19 – Nemo04 19 1.05%
20 – Qabang 19 1.05%
These didn’t make it to the top:
dengalnekocken (17) Matonym (16) Krissedan (15) Geocachartjejen (15)
cashman64 (15) Qabang&wellner (15) Vallafrun (14) Forticert (13)
JorgoBoss (13) Ourlove! (12) Trang (10) korp127 (10)
Motorcycledude (10) Hubba66 (10) Tribe54 (10) gripen50 (9)
Wickan (9) IT-gubben (9) JokkaL71 (9) mathog (9)
Collected attributes



































































Positive attributes: 62 out of 66 collected (93.9%)










































Negative attributes: 37 out of 41 collected (90.2%)

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